Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Vacation From Blogging?!?

Hey Howdy Hey!

I am taking a blogging break for the remainder of the month and probably all of February.  I may post small updates through this break, but I am going to enjoy these next couple of months of relaxation and recuperation.  I hope to see everyone back when I return!

All My Best,


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Fabulous Floats!

Hey Hey Hey! 

Just a quick post to share a couple shots I took today!  On my way home, the sun was shining through my windshield!  I knew it wasn't warm outside but it sure lifted my spirits to see some sun.  I decided to make a quick stop off at the grocery store, and pick up a surprise treat for my favorite munchkins!



When was the last time you enjoyed one of these magical treats?  I haven't had one in years, and it made me feel just like I was a kid again!

I had a blast watching the kids see what mustache's they could come up with! I have some pretty awesome kids if I do say so myself! 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Mini-Road Trip Down South

For New Years we always go and visit Chris' grandmother for her birthday.  As the years go on, and she gets a bit older it's becoming harder for my husband to watch her.  As she gets more frail I watch Chris get more tense, trying to accept the fact that she will not be around forever. 

This week we went on a mini road trip to visit her.  She lives about 200 miles south of us, in a small town just north of Roseburg Oregon.  It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and there were very little clouds in the sky.  Completely abnormal for January in Oregon! As we reached the edge of her property, Chris grabbed my hand and held it tight.  I know how hard it is for him to see her as the time goes on.  It's such a role reversal, usually Chris is holding me up when my knees get weak and I can't go on.  This time it's my turn to be the strong one, my turn to keep him from falling. 

I thought the visit was going great, until I realized that Chris was spending very little time in the house, he kept stepping outside.  I decided to follow him, he was walking through the property and taking it all in.  As I walked behind him, slipping my hand into his I asked him what was wrong.  I could see the hurt in his eyes.  "This could be the last time I see her."  I didn't know what to say.  I just rubbed his back, finally I muttered a low "I'm here for you babe." 

As our love grows stronger with the years, I worry what will happen when one of us passes away.  I usually tell him that we need to die together, like in The Notebook.  But I know that will likely not happen.  Statistically I will outlive Chris.  That will leave me alone. 

When we got home that evening I told Chris how worried I was about living without him.  He told me in that moment the only thing that could make me feel better.

I promise to give you enough memories to make you laugh every day that I'm gone,  I promise to wrap you with enough love to keep you warm at night, and I will wait for you wherever I may be, I will wait for you.

I cannot imagine life without Chris, but lucky for us we are young, and hopefully have many many years to build an amazing life, filled with enough memories to keep my heart full when it feels like breaking.