Monday, April 15, 2013

Just another Mani Monday!

Just Another Mani Monday

Happy Monday! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and I am sitting in my lovely office working on the post that should have been done last night.  Alas, my procrastination has gotten the better of me.  Nothing new there! 

Since spring is literally right around the corner, up here in the northwest we are still fighting off the endless rain.  (Arizona may be looking a little better again) I needed something to get me in the mood of Sun and Flowers, all thins girley.  I looked no further than my fingertips for my spring-pick-me-up. 

I have shared my love of Essie nail polish several times, and this week I chose Play Date from their spring line.  It was all I could to not to not order ANOTHER pink polish.  I am such a sucker for hot pink!

Chris and I went to the Portland Trailblazers VS. Los Angeles Lakers last week.  The game may have influenced my polish choice, just a tad.

We always have fun on date nights, but this was was particularly wonderful.  Chris and I have been Laker fans since before we even got together, Chris is from L.A., and I have just always been a Laker Lover!  

Kobe may be the Black Mamba, but Pau Gasol is my love!  I was a die hard Lamar Odom until he left us, so Pau has replaced L.O. at least in my book.  It was such an amazing night!  I  may have had a few to many glasses of wine, which caused my already boisterous self to be even more loud and the fan filled frenzy really took off in the last quarter. 

Anytime that we can find time to squeeze in a date night I am all for it!  We experienced our first Lakers game together, in the 10+ years of marriage we finally saw Kobe in person at the same time.  I was so close I could see his sweat.  It was a magical night, and so blessed to be able to spend it with my phenomenal husband!

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