
Biggest Selling point, or design dilemma?
Our ever-changing mantle is getting some spring time love this time of year. I usually don’t decorate the mantel with the kids’ crafts, because it usually doesn’t match. Spring time colors however, TOTALLY match our decor! The kids and I worked on these for fun over the weekend, and when we were done decided to string them across the mantel.
This mantle is giving me some serious problems. I have had problems with this element of the room since we moved here. I have plenty of inspiration, but that’s where it ends. I am completely intimidated by this fireplace! I think realistically, it is because I am so in love with this element in our front room and I want to do it justice. But, by leaving it sparse and bare all the time, I am making it ugly.
For the mean time, I am left with decorating it for the season’s and enjoying the kids art up there. It’s nice to see such warm colors up there right now. The art is cute and gives it a whimsical charm that we like to keep alive in the house. We have a fun house, we like to play and laugh and have a good time. I know at the end of the day, my children are not going to care what pictures I have there, or how many hundreds of dollars I spent on items to make it look beautiful. They are going to remember that their mom was so proud of their art that she threw it all over the place to show it off!
Pennie B.
March 31st 2012


I spent nearly an entire week on my inspiration for this mantle.  I knew that I needed to incorporate yellow and teal alone with my glass and silver.  Now this is not finished, I have one more project that I am working on.  Plus I need some large glassware on the brick.  One day I would like to find a new screen, and with summer coming I may just remove it for now.....T.B.A.  Here's the pix!

So far I am very pleased with how this has turned out!  I am I still have more to work on, but this is happier then I have been with this element of the room since we moved here!

Updated pics of the front room!

We have been working hard on this room for a month or so now. I am so glad that I am able to update the pictures with the new curtains! I wrote a post about wooden toys on the parenting page a while back, and talked about this kitchen, raved to be honest. We set them up in this area, and usually their little table is there also, but they were having a tea party on the deck. On the other side of the fireplace, we have the computer desk, and this is where you are always bound to find either Alex or Jaydyn, most of the time it’s both. The chaise lounge on the couch, is hands down my favorite aspect of this couch. I spend so much more time in this room now, because I really do love it. Home should be our happy place, and if you surround yourself with items that make you smile, and inspire you would be surprised how happier you will be.
March 29 2012

A new year = a new style!

So for 2012 we have pledged to make our home out top priority! We are taking it room by room, and then this summer we have hopes for the landscape both front and back. Luckily my in-laws will be helping with the landscape and the exterior paint this summer. We are also going to have someone come build a play structure for the back yard. We are blessed to have a wonderful park across the street from our house. So the play structure has not been a top priority, which is why we chose the pool last summer.

For the time being, we have chosen to begin in the front room. We started with a fresh coat of paint for the walls, as well as the ceiling. When we did that we removed all of the pictures from the walls. I am not going to be putting everything back up right away. I decided to store the photos in a Rubbermaid tote until I am ready for them. We have an open concept home, especially when you consider that it was built-in the 70′s! I needed to choose a wall color that would transition well between the front room, dining room, and kitchen. I also needed to consider the fact that I change accessories a lot, so my choices were limited. I needed beige. I don’t think beige walls have to be boring, but it’s just so easy to make them dull and lifeless. I like to change out the pictures on my walls in the Summer and the Winter. That way I never really have a chance to get bored with them. I love pictures and I use them all over my home!

My current color scheme is Brown, beige, gray and yellow. I decided on curtains and throw pillow covers purchased on I was able to find so many amazing color options and great prices! These are usually handmade items, so they are especially loved in our home. We did splurge on a new couch, but it has been my favorite purchase by far! We are going to keep the end tables and the coffee table, they have been in my husband’s family for years, they are beautiful, vintage, and in great shape! We decided to put our purchase of a new entertainment center on hold, we have been debating a new TV purchase, and want to make that decision first.

We decided to put the desktop in the front room as opposed to putting that in the kitchen. We also, for the moment are keeping the girls’ kitchen in the front room. That may change, no, that will be changing soon……..very sooon I think. We will keep the art station in the kitchen….don’t worry that is next on my list!

FYI, The new curtains are not in this picture. I will update this picture as soon as I get them hung!
I am EXTREMLY happy with the way this room came out! What do you think?
Pennie February 28 2011


Christmas is here!

Christmas is our favorite time of the year! I love the cold weather, I love how dark it gets in the evening and the way that the christmas lights look in the window reflections. I love all the colors! One of my favorite parts, is the decorating! I just started the basics in the front room but I really think it’s a nice start!

I just LOVE our mantle, and it changes all the time so it never get’s lost in the room. I feel that the fireplace should be the focal point of th room I can’t wait until we’re able to get the people out to re wire the cable for the TV!

These candels were bought by my mother in law on my husband’s first christmas! She is full of these great pieces and stories. I am luck to have her.

My husband’s handmade grade school ornament, I love this!

I can never build a fire on my own, so I make a candle fire instead. Same effect and so much easier!

Even decorated the “head” for the holidays!
Well, that’s the beginning. I am still working on the exterior of the house, but that should be finished and pictures posted by next week. I have been using all of the traditional colors and finishes for years now. I have to admit that I am thinking that I need to change it up a bit. I think next year we might go crazy with colors and see how I like it.
Pennie B. 12/14/2011


Decorating is a passion of mine, and has been since my husband and I first moved into our first house together. Growing up in my house my father took great pride in our home, and was constantly doing home projects. The pride that he took in making his home a beautiful place is one that I share as well……that being said we have extremely different taste in home decor. We have a very eclectic decor mix of antiques and modern pieces with a touch of what I call “glam”, I love color in my accessories and picture frames. I am in the process of re-decorating all the rooms in our home and am about half way through all of them! I’ll post my progress in the rooms as I go, {yes even the kids rooms are getting a re-do} along with the pieces and websites that inspire me along the way!

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