Thursday, January 26, 2012

Another Accident

to pee……. or not to pee?
Bed wetting. No matter what you do to make it easier for your child, nothing helps. We have been struggling with this for so many years, with Alex. Alex was born a little over a month premature, so when he was still wetting the bed by age 3 we were told to watch if until he was 5. At that time we went back to the doctor who again told us to continue with that we had been doing, because, again he “will grow out of it”. Well after 5 years of the same answer, with no new result, I thought we needed a second opinion. We went to visit another pediatrician, who met with us and gave us some pamphlets and informational brochures. But basically, saying the exact same thing that we had heard before. Nothing new was being brought to us. No one on my husband’s side of the family had dealt with this before, and the only person who dealt with it on my side was my father. My father wet the bed until he was 13 years old, but all he could tell me was he kept it a secret because he didn’t want his brother to find out, and tell on him. He didn’t even share with his parents, {and they’re dead} so I can’t even ask them! So we are told to wait another couple of years, and “come back if he doesn’t grow out of it.”

By this time Alex is 7 years old, and he is still wetting the bed 3-4 night’s a week. Up until this point we had been using Goodnights which are really just big diapers. Washing bedding at least 3 times a week, because the Goodnights were not holding all the urine. We tried a “Pee-Chart” were we gave gold stars for making it through the night. We had eliminated all liquids after 6:30pm, several years prior. Nothing was working. We had been very good about not making him feel uncomfortable about the “accidents”, however he did have to take the bedding to the laundry room, he had to make sure his underwear got washed, and not shoved under a bed or in a corner somewhere. It was really beginning to wear on him, as a kid. He wanted more than anything to have people spend the night, but we did that once and the urine was not held by the Goodnite. One of his friends saw it, and made fun of him. He had not slept over, or had anyone sleep over in years! He always had to wake up earlier than everyone else to shower in the morning, his brothers were beginning to complain about the smell.
This is just so unfair! Why should kids be forced to deal with a body that is working against them? How can I make sure that he stays confidant in who he is? Another failed visit to the doctor, did not help us at all! So I went to the Internet for answers. From what I gathered from the herds of frustrated parents was the reiteration that Doctors will not help with this issue. But more importantly, was about this alarm, “The Wet-Stop” and how helpful so many parents have found it! We decided to re think our entire approach to this bed wetting challenge. We would continue to use Goodnites, in combination with the alarm. We will be using the pad, as well as the plastic mattress protector, in addition to his sheets. We will continue to eliminate liquids at 6:30, and bring back the pee chart.
Now It’s been over a year since we began this, and I am happy to announce that we are nearly accident free! Alex may have an accident once every month, or so. But when he does have an accident he wakes up right away and takes care of himself. We have had people sleepover, and have slept over at friends houses as well. I have seen such amazing changes in Alex’s confidence since beating this problem, I have no doubt that he will become the confident child that he wants to be!
I dont’ know if the Wet-Stop alone cured the problem, or it was the combination of things. I do know that if I had the confidence to second guess my doctor’s opinion years before I may have gotten control of the problem before it caused the damage it did.

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