Sunday, May 27, 2012

What's in a name?

What's in a name? When we are expecting children, that is easily one of the top 5 decisions that we face.  And when we give these names to our beautiful babies, we each do so because of a reason.  We are drawn to that name, it's a name you wish you had been given, it's a family name, there are many many reasons.  But I have yet to meet a mother who said "I dunno, it was the first thing that came to me."  But really, we are deciding on, and giving names to complete strangers.  We don't know just what they look like, what they like to do, what profession they will choose.  We know nothing about these tiny people, but somehow expect them to conform to, and live up to. 

What do you do when your child is adamant that they don't feel comfortable with the name that you have chose for them?  Jaydyn has been vocal about the fact that he wishes to change his name, in the past few months that wish has been brought up quite often.  He even has a name that he likes, and has liked for a long time.  What is a mom to do?  We raise independent children, and then are shocked when they excerpt that independence.  Do I allow him to ask others to call him a different name? What consequences will this have on him positively and negatively?  Is this something that we should bring to a child therapist for more advise? 

Chris is completely against it, and is quite defiant when it's brought up.  I am not thrilled with the fact that he wants to change his name, because I love the name so much.  But I also feel that this is a choice that neither Chris nor myself can make for him. Then again, is it appropriate for a 8 year old to ask other's to call him something else? 

Read the entire story on Being Mommy.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

We're Havin' A Party!

My monkey man is officially 6 years old!  I cannot believe that this boy is 6 already.  From the moment I first say Noah he had stole my heart.  He was from the start, and still is my cuddle-bug.  Noah is the most affectionate and kind hearted guy.  He is amazingly popular with the ladies, and is constantly surrounded with girl friends {not to be confused with girlfriends} He is technically the middle child, but I like to think of him as transitional.  He will play barbies, blow bubbles,  and craft with the girls, then turn around and play wrestlers, video games, and Pokemon with the boys. 

Noah loves painting and sculpting, so a crafter's party was a no-brainer!

Noah's first pumpkin patch trip!

He's always loved my shoes

He loves his motorcycle!

Check out the Being Mommy page to see his birthday party pics!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Rockin' My New Do!

Spring Style has set in, and Summer is just around the corner.  I decided last weekend that it was time for a style change, and decided on my hair.  I am in LOVE with Giniffer Goodwin from the current ABC hit Once Upon a Time.  I adore that show, and she is just the bee's knee's!  She plays Snow and Mary Margret, and looks beautiful.  I knew that I wanted a longer version of her current style.  I logged into my account at to find some sexy styles to bring in with me.  If you aren't familiar with, it's a virtual makeover site, you should really check them out before you make any drastic changes.

Check out the Style page to see my inspiration and more Pics!