Monday, September 24, 2012

Just Another Mani-Monday!

Hey! Hi! Hello!  Oh MY!  I have missed blogging so much.  I cannot believe that it has been a month since I last visited my own page! I have neglected it so much.  Over the past month, I have not been in my right state of mind, and have taken some much needed time off.  But I'm "BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN"!  Que cheesy music here :) 

So, what better way to come back swinging than........Another Mani Monday!?! 

Yes, there's my sneak peek!  Before I could get here, I had some MAJOR damage control to attend to!  You see...about 2 weeks ago my adorable daughter Izobel asked me to take her life jacket off.  Her little mouth chattering away.  I reached down as I always do, and.....SNAP!  Broken nail.  Not just a little broken, broken off down to the quick, then partially down into the nail bed itself!  HOLY CRAP that hurt! 
Here's a picture of her after I got her all cleaned up as best I could.  Oh sweet mother in heaven how this one hurt!  After I had pulled myself together from the flood of tears the poured out of my eyes, I had to figure out how to fix this!  Calling on my girlfriends for support all I was told was something about layering nail glue and an empty tea bag and somehow it's mended.  Off to the Internet I was!  Fortunately I was told how to fix it, relatively the same way on every site I visited.  Easy enough, off to the surgery room!
I have gathered my supplies for this procedure :)  My 3 sided file, Sally Hansen's clear for take off, Kiss brush on nail glue, a tea bag, small scissors, and tooth pics to flatten down the tea'll see in a moment.
Cut the top off the tea bag, and empty the contents.  Cut a shape to match your natural nail leaving room to trim excess to get a precise fit.
Coat your entire nail with the glue.
Now apply the tea bag and press down.  Now trim away any excess paper from the tea bag so you get a snug fit.


 Quickly apply another coat of the glue, and press down firmly using the toothpicks to push down any air bubbles.  I tucked the ends under my nail to provide extra support and applied an additional layer of glue under the nail as well. 
There ya go!  She's all mended!  Now from here I really babied my nails.  I wore rubber gloves to do the dishes, and I didn't use any nail polish at all.  Once the nail had grown out a bit I did feel a bit more comfortable.  As soon as the breakage was away from the nail bed I was finally able to pain the lil' ladies again!  It had been so long.
I knew I was on the look out for something super girly, and found this combo inspiration via Pinterest.  I had to customize my polishes a bit, which I have been experimenting with.  I had a bright pink, so I added a bit of white to tone it down a bit.  Then for the glittery there is always my troubles.  Glitter always looks far better on everyone else, than it does on me. I can never seem to get it right.  This time I tried something new!  I started with my base coat, once that was dry I applied a layer of clear polish.  Immediately I dunked my finger into a bottle of gold glitter from the dollar store and pulled it out.  Using a tooth pick, I scraped away the loose glitter, and pushed down any flakes that looked loose.  After it had dried, I applied a layer of top coat in clear.  Viola! 
I'm pretty happy with these ladies if I do say so myself.  Now if I can just stay onto of my blogging obligations better.  Self Discipline!  I must get better!!


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