Saturday, March 2, 2013

The New and sorta-Improved Me!

Hey y'all I'm back! Back for good, or until I need another break LOL.  I've taken some time and really worked on myself and my body and creating a better connection with my family.  I wanted to share a project that I've been working on for a little over a year now.  It's a big one!  I took this previous year to focus on my health.  As I watched Jaydyn playing soccer for the first time last year I sat in the bleachers drinking my Pepsi, eating Doritos and Sour Patch Kids I realized that I needed to shape up!  I don't want to be Super-Model-Skinny (that's a lie I totally want to be that skinny) but I don't want to look like I've had 5 kids either.  I didn't want to look good for having 5 kids, I want to look GOOD!

December 2011, I saw a picture of myself for the first time.  Of course, I had seen pictures of myself but I saw what I REALLY looked like and I was NOT happy. 

I decided to take 2012 for myself.  I worked hard!  I watched what I ate, I started working out.    I'm really putting myself out there when I say that when I started this journey I was 190 lbs. Keep in mind, I'm only 5'6"!

December 2011 190 lbs.

The weight started melting off the moment I became serious about getting healthy.  I stalled out in several places, gained a little here to loose a little more a couple of weeks later.  It was not always easy and I faltered many times along the way. 

February 2012

I did not have any kind of diet in mind, I did no formal fitness plan.  Eating Organically as much as possible has made a large change in  my life.  I have found that when I use natural herbs and spices along with fresh produce and grass fed beef I am more experimental in cooking.  So far I have not cut out gluten from our diet, but that is something that I am looking into.  Not for fitness however, my husband suffers from IBS and I believe that is a "Catch-all diagnosis".  The doctor can't figure out what you have, so they say it's IBS and send you on your way. 

June 2012

I have seen an increase in my children's activity level and a decrease in the amount of time spent in front of the TV and iPad's.  Instead, I have heard a lot more "Mom can I go play outside?"  "Mom, can we go to the park?"  which is music to my ears! 

My Jaydyn is a huge health nut now, and his favorite snack is baby carrots and hummus! I've made my own hummus, and pesto recently and am quite happy with the way they turned out. 

March 2013 Reached my goal of 140 lbs.

The biggest change I've seen is my own personal energy level.  I am out there kicking the soccer ball with my kids, bike riding, running the track, and even roller skating!  I have found a new zest for life that I didn't even realize I was missing.  Although I am extremely impressed with the physical changes I've seen, I think the fact that I can play with my kids without getting winded is the biggest benefit of all. 

Prom 2001
I am so proud of the work I put into my body this year, and I didn't play the diet yo-yo game.  I am proud to say I did this on my own, and I am officially only 5 lbs away from being the weight I was when I got pregnant in 2002.  (Yes I was a teen mom, but I made the best of it)