Monday, March 4, 2013



Hey Y'all it's Spring Break!  Well it's time to plan for Spring Break I should say.   I had my heart set on a 2 weeks road trip from Portland Oregon to visit my father in Springfield Missouri.  But with our horrible luck in December, a 2 week free spirited vacation was not in our cards, or our bank account.  We could have gone to Arizona and visited my best friend and explored a new area.  We could have set out to the California coast line, or made a trip to the Redwoods.  We could have hiked the Colorado mountains, or camped in the grand canyon.  We declined to do all of those things in hopes of getting to know more about Oregon.

In the last year or so Chris and I have gotten a little tired of Oregon.  Specifically, our weather here is driving us insane.  It rains from September through May, and it's to cold to do anything.  We only have 3 months out of the year where I can send the kids outside to play, or ride bikes or just get out of my hair!  Some years are nicer than others, and dont' get me wrong we have some surprise sunny days here and there.  Nonetheless, it is becoming easier and easier for us to envision ourselves in another state.  A warmer state.  Like Arizona!

I love Portland!  Even if it rains all the time.

I'm unconvinced we would ever really do it.  There are countless reasons for us to stay in Oregon, and only a handful pushing us to a new adventure.  The motto for this vacation will be "Falling (back) in love with Oregon!" I want to explore Oregon again and hopefully view it with a new found sense of passion! We live in one of the most coveted cities in all of the United States, and we are forgetting all of the wonderful things she has to offer! 

We are planning on ditching Portland for a jont down the Oregon Coast, beginning in Seaside, and ending in Florence.  We have no specific plans along the way, we will take as long as we like, in the towns we like and skip the ones we could do without.  Last year I enacted a No Planning Month, in which we did not make any plans until the day we got up.  That's the idea behind this no frills, fly by the seat of our pants vacation!

If we dont' fall back in love with our state, then I hope to have created enough memories of Oregon to cool us down during those long Arizona nights!

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