Friday, January 6, 2012

Pennie's Party's!

Hi There!
It’s that time again! The beginning of Birthday season!!! After the chaos that is all the winter holidays I have about 2 seconds before it’s time to start planning parties again. I really don’t get much down time from October to July, then I’m in the clear for a could months before starting all over again! Having 5 kids, and other parties that have to be planned during the year as well, I have found in the past few years, that you can not be over prepared. I like to plan the birthday parties at the beginning of the year, it helps keep me from getting run down by the summer parties. This year Alex chose a Oregon Ducks Football party, Jaydyn chose Ghostbusters, Noah is going with an Art themed party, and the girls chose a Wizard of Oz pool party.

I have been obsessed with Pinterest for a while now, and if you have not had the luxury of checking that out, you must have been living under a rock for the past Year at least! I am never good at the game planning, so I find almost all my games on that site! 

For a perfect party, give yourself about a month from the planning through the party day. Believe me, any less and you will not have the time to get everything ready. This year, I am going to be working on delegation. In years past I have juggled everything in the air, until the last minuet, and somehow magically everything falls into place. This year, I am going to be working on asking for help when I need it, and using the help that is offered to me. I do not have to be perfect, and no the kids won’t notice that some of the juice box’s are missing their football covers, or my first attempt at a pinata looks like a giant rejected Easter egg. At the end of the day, when that kid comes and cuddles up next to you, wraps their arms around your neck and whispers “This was the best birthday party ever”……..that is the moment that makes everything worth it.

Pennie B.

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