Thursday, March 15, 2012

Yes, ladies I am here to confirm, Tuesday I was defeated. What was my kryptonite, you ask? My faulty gall bladder! Sunday night I started feeling really sick, my stomach was super-duper upset and I couldn’t really sleep. I really felt good enough to go to work, but Alex had come down with something as well, and Chris had a meeting so decided to stay home with him for the day. I took it easy for the day, and didn’t do anything fancy for dinner for the kids, then Chris and I got cozy on the couch. I realized that I hadn’t eaten anything that day, so I popped some popcorn, munching that while watching Bad Teacher (with Cameron Diaz). Suddenly and quickly I was having HORRIBLE sharp pains in my upper stomach on the right side, like under my boob. It was strong and kept getting stronger, I could push the spot with my finger, I wasn’t vomiting but I was super nauseous. I tried everything to get comfortable, but I knew that I would have to wait to get into the Urgent Care. I hate hospitals more than I can even put into words.
Finally by 4am, I googled the nearest urgent care’s hours, and that was not until 8am. Another 4 hours? I didn’t think I could take another 40 minuets, so I woke up Chris and we were off to the hospital. Of course, I was kicking myself for not going when this all first started! Secretly, I was so afraid some 12-year-old doctor was going to look at me and say “You have gas Ma’am, I think you just need to fart.” That was my biggest fear! However, I got there and was taken straight to the ultrasound, where it was confirmed that I had “A very angry gall bladder” according to the surgeon. It’s a very quick surgery, in and out, but the recovery…… hell.

Alex was very worried about me, staying home from school with Grandma. The girls didn’t think much about it, because really I should have been at work, so there wasn’t much out of the ordinary as far as they were concerned. When I was finally able to go home, I was waddling up the entryway stairs when I hear the herd from down the hall. “MOM’S HOME!” “ALRIGHT MOM’S HERE!” “LET’S CHECK OUT HER SCARS!” My twins were shocked at my appearance, and I’ll be the first to admit it, I looked like an extra from “The Walking Dead.” They kept saying over and over again, “Mommy, I’ve never seen you like this” “You look so sad mommy.” They were really scared. They followed me to my bed and laid down with me while Chris did everything I would have asked, but because he is so amazing, I didn’t have to ask.
Apparently I’m looking at a recovery time of 1 to 2 weeks, then I can go back to work. Full recovery will take about 4-6 weeks after the surgery. Normally these things are done with 3 small incisions, and it’s very routine, yadda yadda. However, NOTHING is ever routine in my life, so of course this is no exception. This is a condition that I have had for a while, but have been too stubborn to go to the hospital or talk to the doctor about it, my gallbladder was FULL of stones, and there was a very large one that was stuck, blocking the “exit”. As if that was not bad enough, there was also another one that had gotten through somewhere else also, so another incision had to be made to get it out.
This has really been hell let me tell you! Standing……or hunching over in the bathroom hollering for your husband to come help you pull up your pants is NOT a pretty picture! My 3 boys have been the little helpers that I knew they would be, the girls are taking great care of me as well. I am lucky enough to have such amazing family surrounding me all the time, and making me feel as good as I can, as quickly as possible. I guess when it comes down to it, I should not have needed this to tell me to slow down. I really do need to not push myself so hard, and listen to my body when it’s tired, or hurting. Sometimes us mommy’s need a bit of a reminder that we are human too, we do need to listen to what our bodies are telling us.
The potential health obsession…..TBA {To Be Announced}
Pennie B.
March 15 2012

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