Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Pretty Peacock Perfection

I have to admit, even if I do not craft another gift, I am proud of the ones that I have created so far! Considering that I have never done DIY gifts before!  Wreath's are a bit expensive, however I know that my mother really does like them!  I wanted to create something pretty that they would see often, and think of me.
I spend an insane amount of time and money at Michael's.  I adore that place, and today I was able to score everything that I needed in one shop! 
 I honestly don't know anything about creating wreaths, but I love burlap, and the Peacock feather's called to me, The "P" is for their last name, and the glitter is several  shades of blue. 

The burlap was super easy to work with, and the feathers are just stuck in there and secured with hot glue.  I secured the ribbon with hot glue so it would not pull. 

I just love peacock feathers!  For the "P" I used ModPodge then sprinkled the glitter combination that I liked best, don't forget the top layer as the sealant!

Viola!  Another one down, and another name crossed off the list!  I'm pretty proud so far, and I'm not even done yet! 

Fab or Fail?  What do you think?

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