Friday, March 15, 2013

Puzzle Boards!

Puzzle boards for the road trip

Our vacation is so close I can almost taste it.  Although, I am not sure what a vacation would taste like I imagine it would be delicious!  Since we will be spending an extended about of time in the car I wanted to ensure that my children would be well entertained.  The last thing I want to experience is a mommy meltdown induced by the incessant sounds of crying and the relentless "Are we there yet?" taunting from the back seat. I am hoping to eliminate as much of the iPod, iPad iPhone tablet obsession as possible!  I am ready to unplug my family for some good 'ole family road trippin' fun!

I searched the Internet high a low for all things to keep my 5 children busy for as long as possible, but this is one I came up with on my own!  It was so simple!  

I love going to Michael's Craft Store.  It's one of my favorite places to go when I'm feeling uninspired.  I can always seem to find more projects that I have time for.  Last time I was in, I purchased a couple of these large rolls of Magnetic tape if you will.  I knew I would find a use for them, and I finally have! 

I ran to the Dollar Tree after I dropped off the boys to soccer practice, and raided their puzzle section.   If you are still buying puzzles at Target or god forbid Walmart please STOP now! $1 Puzzles are the way to go!  I found so many options for all of my kids.  

I sat my lazy bum on the couch in front of the TV and ate popcorn with the girls, while watching Grease to put these together.  So easy!

I destroyed the boxes these came in, and opted for Ziploc baggies instead.  I cut out the front pictures and taped them inside the baggies with painters tape to keep them as organized as possible.  We have quite a few options by the time I put them all together. 

We will use these with the Chalk Board Cookie Sheets I made.....look for the blog post coming soon!

Stay tuned for more Road Trippin' Recommendations!

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