Monday, April 9, 2012

Fashion Forward

I, like so many blogging mommies took the weekend off from blogging this weekend, so please excuse my delayed postings this week.
Fashion has always been kind-of-a-big-deal to me. I like my style, I like clothes, and I like to look like I’ve tried to put myself together. I will rock the Juicy sweat suit all day saturday or sunday around the house, don’t get me wrong. But when I go out, I don’t want to be “that mom”. This is my lookbook for the week, I set up Monday-Thursday {Fashion Friday at work leaves that TBA}.
I just bought myself a new pair of steve madden boots! I love these, so I was inspired to put this outfit together, I’m calling it “cowgirl chic”. The dress is vintage Calvin Klein, Sweater is from H&M, the belt is vintage, and the jewelry is all from Forever21.
I’ll admit it, I am a sucker for a comfy pair of Capri’s! I paired it was a tan kami from H&M, a oversised dress shirt from Mossimo, and moccasins’ by UGG. All accessories are vintage finds. This is my “safari mamma” ensemble.
Dresses are my weakness, I especially love a beautiful cotton dress on a spring day. I love this dress, I found it at a vintage shop, with no tag so I have no clue who made it. The cardigan is from gap, shoes from target, and accessories from forever21 and Target, “sexy school teacher”
I am a sucker for a great pair of rain boots, and these are everything and more! Chris bought these for me leopard print rain boots from Ralph Lauren for valentine’s day, and I adore them! I paired them with Nike athletic pants, and a mossimo feather top, paired with my vintage Aztec bag, and this is everything a “northwestern girl” needs!
Last week I started a new shift at work, I am coming at 6:30am! YOWSA! It is taking some getting use to, and to be honest my sleep is super important to me. That saying “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” has never once been appealing to me. So I started this! No, not laying out my clothes for the week {although I am doing that as well} I am creating my own lookbook! Who hasn’t pined outfits on pinterest, or browsed the latest online lookbook, and fashion blog. I am taking some of my favorites and inputting that into my digital lookbook on my laptop, to use when I am stumped. To be honest last week I was stumped a lot.
This is a project that I have wanted to start for some time, and never had a chance. I am glad that this early shift has inspired me to get this one rolled out! Anyone else have any fashion savvy tips?

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