Thursday, April 5, 2012

How does your garden grow?

We have been “Portlanders” now for nearly a year, I cannot believe how fast this year has flown by. I feel like I have found the place that I am meant to live, we have transplanted perfectly! You may remember, when celebrating Hanukkah we gave the traditional gifts. For the earth friendly gift I gave the kids “gift certificates” to grow a garden. The kids remembered, that for sure! As soon as I came home with everything the girls knew what it was for. Last year when we moved up here we did not have the chance to start a garden. We had so many other projects going on that a garden was not going to happen. I was not going to miss out again this year!

After chatting up my uber-green girlfriends I was told that now is the perfect time to start some of my seedlings so the root systems are set in place when it’s time to transplant them. One thing that was important for me was all organic materials. I buy organic when I am shopping, why would I not was to grow organic as well? The simple answer, it’s hard. You have to think about everything. I have to make sure the seeds are organic, the soil is organic and the chemicals {hopefully not necessary} are all natural organic materials. I always suggest the starter pellets and seedling start packages. They are so easy, and the plants have always transplanted well for me. Please don’t make my same mistake that I did with my first try. I forgot to label! This time the kit I bought came with a handy-dandy little sheet for me to log all my seedlings. Perfection I tell you!
I am so excited to see how our first Portland garden comes out! What are you planting this spring?

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