Sunday, July 15, 2012

DIY Jewelry Day!

So I have a confession to make.  This is one that I kinda keep to myself, but there are a few people that know.  I have a celebrity crush!  My celebrity crush is Tori Spelling!  OK, so it may not have been the kind of crush that you were thinking about.  I think she is wonderful!  I have loved Tori since 90210, through all of her lifetime movies {some I still watch whenever I can} and now she has her own reality show!  I will totally admit that because of my crazy and busy schedule I have not kept up with my girl Tori like I had before!  I think that last episode I say of her reality show "Home Sweet Hollywood" was when Stella was just a baby!  So I was shocked to see her face gracing the shelves of........Michael's?!?!?  And in the form of DIY Jewelry?! AMAZING!!!!

The feathers are not hers, but her line is so incredibly user friendly, and customizable.  I am so incredibly in love with this copper leaf necklace.  It's beyond amazing, and I get so many compliments on it!

This one is my absolute favorite!  I love it so much!  I am planning on sprucing this one up just a bit, and running some teal ribbon through the copper chain, just to give it a little something extra!

I don't have to do anything to this one, it's completely me in every way.  This one has quickly become one of my go-to's! 

This came with a set of two, but I only made one into an earring.  I'll only wear one of these, as an accent, because two would be to much with my super short Blondie locks to support.

I thought this was a super fun way to spend the afternoon while my children were sentenced to a term of room cleaning.  I only spend about 30 minuets, but it was a quiet time in the middle of the day to spend with myself drinking my tea, and crafting.  Moments like these don't happen often for this busy momma, so I will take them when I can get them!

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