Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Transition Mix Up?

Hi Hello How are you! Well if you are seeing this then you must have bookmarked the page in between the time when “A Pennie For Your Thoughts” was taken down, and replaced with “Pennie’s Thoughts”. In doing that, I apparently violated some Terms of Service with the original blog hosting page. My work, projects that I have been working on for over a year now were all lost. All my articles, everyone’s beautiful comments, all my graphics, banners, and web rings are all gone. Gone as if I had taken the blog down myself, and retired! To make matters worse, my computer had crashed a couple of months prior to this, and so almost ALL of my pictures are lost too.
After dealing with this for a month I am ready to Launch again. However, because of everything I have lost, the pages are scarce, and the postings are few. I am still working on a couple of the articles that I had saved on my computer, but most of everything that was able to be salvaged has been. You may see random posts come back, because they are hidden while I am working on them.

This will almost be like a re-launch because all my followers were lost. I have reached out to a few of the blog rings, however cannot remember most of them. I will be trying to get back in the swing of things as best I can, as soon as I can. You may not see much foot traffic through the site for another couple of weeks, I won’t really start promoting it until next week.
Thank you so much, for hanging in there with me while I iron out these few wrinkles. When it comes down to it, I like WordPress more than Blogger so I don’t plan on making any other switches anytime soon. If I make any changes, those will be well thought out and planned from beginning to finish. Thank you again for you patience, and I really do look forward to being back on track soon!
Pennie B.
March 7th 2012

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