Monday, July 30, 2012

B-Crew Bake Off!

Last week was pretty overwhelming for us.  We were incredibly busy, we had a sick-kiddo half the time, we are re-decorating the downstairs space, and the pool turned colors on us.  One new pump, an automatic pool cleaner, a LOT of shock-it and a bit of clarifier, and we are back to swim suitability.  On the upside, the back fence is completed! (goodbye peeper neighbors)!  So the weekend was my sanctuary from this all to active week.  And, to be honest, This weekend was awesome! 

We have had a break from the scorching heat (yes I believe all temperatures over 83 to be scorching) so we were able to check one of out bucket list items off the list!  We launched the first annual B-Crew Bake-Off!  It was a hit!  The rules were, you could pick any dessert item to make, and the winner would get an extra special prize! 

As soon as the rules were set, Alex was googeling away at his computer, while Jaydyn went literally for the drawing board, sketching out his masterpiece!  Noah, gave me a wink, and the all to familiar 'Double-gun s-NAP'!

Seen here......

Yes, he is adorable!

Noah went with a "Oregon Duck Cake" we decided on yellow cake with green frosting.  The girls were set, chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and they get to decorate!  Jaydyn had created a brownie cake in his mind, and Alex decided on dirt cake, with a twist!  Usually we use gummy worms in the dirt cake, but Alex requested a switch to Sour Patch Kids.  Hmm.....Who will the winner be!

So I totally warned him, that dirt cake is tedious.  It's not hard, but there are a lot of steps, it's pretty messy, but the pay off is amazing!

Check out that technique!  BTW, he's totes wearing daddy's superman t-shirt.  Alex was not about to ruin any of his own clothes.  I think he got this from me.....

Noah donned his U of O tee while decorating his Duck cake.  We are a bit fanatical about our home town team! 

Whipping up our first batter, all by ourselves.  They continue to remind me that they are "5 years old now momma!"  I am less than thrilled that my babies are not babies any longer, but I welcome this new chapter....or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

The Final Masterpiece!  Jaydyn's brownie cake extraordinaire!  It's almost to pretty to eat.

So I think he got a little sprinkle happy, but you get the picture!

JackLynn's Cheerful-Cherry cupcakes!

Izobel can't keep her tong in her mouth, and away from the cupcakes!  These are her rainbow bright cupcakes!

Alex's sour patch kids graveyard. 

This was supposed to be my sample plate, but it was just to much.  I was only able to take a bite out of each, but the winner was not so cut and dry.  Everything tasted Delicious!  My personal favorite had to be Alex's sour patch graveyard.  The flavor of those sour patch kids combined with the cookie in the dirt cake was just super!  Jaydyn's Brownie Cake extraordinaire was a close second, all that sweetness was just what mommy needed!

This was a really awesome activity to do with the kids, because we were able to alter it to fit each kid.  Alex was able to do everything on his own, while the girls needed assistance measuring and reading the box.  Noah and Jaydyn needed assistance with the oven.  It helped them build confidence and I'm showing boys that they can bake and be in the kitchen just as easily and well as any girls!

It was nice to be able to check another activity off out Summer Bucket List. I can't wait to see what we get to do next!!

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