Monday, August 6, 2012

Glow Stick Swim!

At the beginning of Summer the kids and I created our "Summer Bucket List 2012" and I have to say, this summer has been filled with fun moments, and amazing memories.  And because of my (semi)-commitment to blogging I have been forced to document it.  I say forced, because some times I don't want to worry about taking pictures, but then again who am I kidding?  Have you seen my instragram feed?!? 

The glow stick swim was one of the activities that I was super excited for!  We had to wait, for what seemed like forever to get a day that was hot enough to do this when it was dark.  Finally this weekend was a scorcher!  It was over 100 on Saturday (that's like walking on the sun for us Oregonians)!  I made a mad dash to the dollar store while daddy pretended to put the munchkins to bed.  Then we quickly scurried out to the pool and activated the glow sticks and threw them in!  Just as we were walking back in the house to get them, the girls came out complaining that they were hot.  PERFECT TIMING!  They were so excited to be swimming in the dark, and then to get to search for glow sticks was just icing on the cake! 

We found that the big ones float way better than the smaller ones, so the girls were able to snag the larger ones while the boys that don't have floaties had to do the real work.  Once they had collected them all we would throw them back and do it all over again. 


The kids were all cooled off from a late night dip, and took the glow sticks to bed with them staying up extra late and playing with them.  Well, as late as they could from being so excited with a glow stick swim.  They crashed by 11pm.

The thing I love about this activity, is that I don't think it could get old.  I would totally use this for a grown up pool party, or an teen-party!  I can see this one becoming a tradition!

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