Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Did you know that the American Cancer Society projects that about 22,280 new cases of ovarian cancer will be diagnosed and 15,500 women will die of ovarian cancer in the United States?  Did you know that the mortality rates for ovarian cancer have not improved in 40 years?  Did you know that she is the #1 killer of gynelocical cancers?  Did you know I had ovarian cancer?

It's true, and I don't like to speak of her often.  I figure, she came and visited, eventually realizing that I'm not good company so she left.  I refer to her and female in my head, that's the only time I speak of her.  My inner voice holds all my secrets.  All those nasty little things that you keep tucked deep inside of yourself.  That's where I keep her memory.

Today was a day where I am reminded of her.  Once, every so often the pain surfaces and I'm reminded again how strong she really is.  The migranes come with such force that I'm tucked in bed for a day with no light or sound.  Side effects I'm told to the high dose of Chemotherapy I endured. I'm not saying I would change things.  When your faced with death you will sell your soul to stay alive.

I've been in remission since September of 2009.  That is the technical term.  I don't feel her with me, but the memory is always there. 

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