Thursday, June 28, 2012

Smores and Brownies TOGETHER!

So we may or may not have gotten ahead of ourselves when it comes to Summer.  Why I would ever do that is beyond me!  I get over excited at the changing of the seasons, and this was one of those times. Last weekend I had planned to roast marshmallows and make smores.  Mother nature decided to literally rain on our plans.  But I had already promised to make smores with the kids!!!  What's a mommy to do??

I looked in our pantry and saw a couple boxes of brownie mix, and a bag of mini marshmallows (we usually use those in hot coco) I had the chocolate bars and I had the grahm crackers........

I baked a batch of brownies, topped them with mini mellows, broken up grahm crackers, and Hershey's bars.  I tossed that beautiful pile of goodness into the oven under broil for about 3 minuets.  Depending on yoru oven, you don't want to burn the marshmellow's.

These are soooo addicting! And ya know what's worse, they are almost BETTER the second day! If you can save some that long. 

When it comes down to it, Mommy saved the day again!  Even mother nature cannot bring me down!!!

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