Monday, June 25, 2012

Summer Bucket List 2012

WELCOME SUMMER 2012!!  The kids have been out of school for about 2 weeks now, and they could not be happier about it.  The last day of school for us fell in the middle of June, we usually spend the remaining month staying up late and sleeping in, having movie nights, and really enjoying the nice break that they deserve.

Because I work outside the home it is hard for me to enjoy summer with them as much as I would like. I have done the juggle of summer in the past and I have realized that organization is the key!  This year we decided to do something differant.  I have seen several of these "summer activitey" lists going around mom blogs and pinterest and decided to make one for our family as well.  We gave our "BIG CALENDER" in the kitchen a make over as well. 

This was so simple and fun to make!  We just went to the dollar store and bought a cheap-o plastic buckett.  I used scrapbook paper left over from Noah's birthday party invites, and taped that onto the buckett.  I cut up construction paper, and on each square I wrote down one of our activity's, folded it and placed it into the buckett. 

Check out what's inside.........

Glow Stick Swimming
Sand castle competition
Picnick in the park
Visit a new park
Go on a hike to the falls
Children's museum ++
Make stepping stones for the back yard
Backyard campout
Movie night sleep over
Library ++
Sprinkler Course
Road trip, destination....ANYWHERE!
Scavanger hunt hiking trip
Mini Golf
Drive in Movie
Fishing (with magnets) in the kiddie pool!
Water balloon fight!
Wack a balloon fight!
Glow in the dark egg hunt!
Button Kids Bake off!
Tie-Dye Day!
Weekend Trip to Grandparents House!

Several of these are marked with ++ that means there is more than one of those in the buckett.  We have yearly passes to the Portland Children's Museum, the Portland Zoo, and we are members of the Library. Swimming and River trips are a give-in, these actvities above are to do something extra and out of the normal. 

How am I going to do all these fun actvities while I'm working? Easy Peasy.....ORGANIZATION!

Yes, our giant white board in the kitchen has gotten a facelift, and is now our big calender!  Each week we will jot down our actvities that we pick, I'll make sure that we have everything that we need for a summer full of fun!  Some things like "weekend trip to grandparents" and "sand castle competition" have to be planned.  (We don't live near my parents, and we don't have a sand box)

What are your summer fun plans?  Anything missing from my list that you think I should try?!  Let me know, I'm dying to hear!

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