Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Why I Vote

It's that time again.....election year.  Why is it that at the time when we should be rallying together, supporting our country we find ourselves at the greatest divide? Where are the ads that are bringing us together?  I feel more disdain to the ads running in this campaign than I can recall ever before.  Stop telling me what the other guy did wrong, isn't qualified for, or what you wouldn't have done and start telling me what you are going to do for me, my children and my country!  

Because she fought for my right to.

As a young woman, with young children I am focused about the "big picture" and trying to establish a bright future to my children, and eventually my grand children.  Independence from foreign power, the state of the currency, secondary education. 

The education that our children receive from the moment they enter elementary school is vital to who they will become.  Setting higher standers, and providing more continuing education classes to our teachers that prove beneficial.

For family equality.

As the primary bread winner for my family, equal rights for women in the work place is incredibly important to me. I am enormously lucky enough to have found a company that was envisioned by a woman, created in her kitchen, and built with women.  To this day, we only have 4 men in our company.  I have two daughters, that can be anything in the world when they grow up. They should be paid well for a job well done.

For his education.

That brings us to women's rights.  Oh yes, I'm going to bring this one up too.  This is an issue that is extremely sensitive issue.  If you feel comfortable with someone else's opinions being forced upon innocent people that are trying to take control of their lives than by all means vote for Governor Romney.  However, if you feel that each women has the right to control her own body than you may want to visit the NRARL Pro-choice America web site. 

For all her dreams to come true.

I am a parent, I am a woman, I am the main source of income for my family, and there are many issues that are incredibly important to me. I'm sure that I'm not the only person who finds these of interest.  I want to hear more about what you are going to do as president (or continue to hold office), that is going to affect these issues. 

I am far from an undecided voter, I know who has earned my vote for the next 4 years.  On November 6th I will make my opinion count.  No matter who you choose, just CHOOSE.  Make your opinion count!  Know your issues, chose your candidate based off their plans, and NOT the party they vote allegiance to. 

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