Friday, April 12, 2013

Strawberry Sweet Tooth

Strawberry Pancakes

Strawberries are just coming into season, or at least they are flourishing at the market!  We love strawberries, and use them at practically all of our parties.  Tonight I was in desperate need for something sweet for dinner.  Change it up every now and again, especially since our spring break is officially over.  Back to routines, and practices, we even had our first soccer game of the spring season last weekend, so my break is definitely over. 

I enlisted some help and went to work.  I usually keep a berry flavored syrup in the pantry or fridge at all times.  We don't whip out the pancake extravaganza that often, I like to be prepared.  

I have now dubbed Alex "The Most Fabulous Flipper in The Northwest!" Alex is 10 now and these cute moments of cooking together could be coming to a close.  I hope that as he gets older and exhorts his Independence he remains close to me.  Still willing to hold my hand through the mall, or rush to open the garage door for me when I bring in the groceries.  I hope he still shows me he loves me.  

These pancakes were incredibly delicious!  I use packaged pancake mix, GASP!  Yes, although I would love to tell you how I created these fluffy cloud like pancakes from scratch, alas I cannot.  I don't use the measurement's on the bag, preferring the "eye-ball" measurements to get a soupy consistency.  

Topped with Red Raspberry syrupy (I know, but it's what I had on hand), a bit of whip cream, and sliced strawberries.  I cannot even express how delish these are!  In fact, as I sit here writing this post my mouth is watering for more.  We served eggs and hash as well, but these were the showcase item!  

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