Friday, November 9, 2012


Today I am so incredibly thankful and lucky to have Alex in my life.  He is my eldest and most mature, supportive, thoughtful, and caring child.  I had been sick over the past couple of days, I was feeling cruddy, bummed, and a bit down in the dumps today.  Without missing a beat this kid picked me up and had me smiling and laughing in no time. 

I may  have been sick, but he made me smile just for caring.  This is the child that will round up the twins and put on a movie in their room, set them up with some barbies so mom can catch a few winks.   This is the child, that See's mom struggling with laundry up the stairs, so offers to take the other side of the basket. 

When Alex was 5 I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, it was rare and we caught it early but it's an aggressive cancer.  I was heartbroken and beaten down one day, I hadn't lost my hair yet, but I had begun the vomiting and the exhaustion and body aches had kicked in.  I sat outside one day in the shade, because the medication I was on would burn me in the sun, trying to feel a little sun on my face.  I was crying and just didn't have words to express anything.  Alex, who was aware of what I was facing picked a dandelion out of the grass closed his eyes tight and made a wish.  He came up and sat in between my legs on the step below me, hugged my legs tight.  "It's OK Mommy, I made a wish that you won't have cancer anymore, don't worry."  He was just 5 years old.  He was my biggest supporter through my fight, and could NOT have done it without him!


As I am recovering from this flu that knocked me on my butt, I am reminded of those days when thoughts were dark, and I looked inside myself for the answers that my family held the entire time.  I'm once again reminded of how amazing my life is, and the people I choose to share it with.

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