Saturday, November 3, 2012


Today I am thankful for Chris. This coming January we will celebrate our 10th Anniversary!  I'm just a bit proud of that ;)  We have had a rough go of it off and on, but everyone does.  I believe that you shouldn't expect perfection very many places (difficult concept for me to grasp) but you most certainly should NOT expect it from your spouse!  Pick your battles, and know your partner.  Don't fight in front of the kids, and once in a while it's OK to go to bed angry (but sex usually solves everything).  Learn empathy, and think about how your words will affect your partner.....adjust them accordingly!  The point of arguments is not to make you feel better individually it's to make you stronger as a couple. 

Sometimes I am so wrapped up in work, the kids, housework, the dogs, everything else that is going on around me that I forget to stop for a moment and realize how good it really is to be me.  I am married to my best friend!  When something happens my mind immediately goes; "I can't wait to tell Chris!" still, no matter how big or how small.  We have NO secrets from each other, and we have created and built our relationship to be that way. 

Chris makes me feel sexy (yes even like that ^)  Let's face it, my boobs are less perky, by stomach has stretch marks, my arms are flabby and I don't have the time to get to the gym to make myself look like I think I should look.  Chris never puts the kid of pressure that I put on myself.  I'm grateful that my husband thinks I'm sexiest in sweat pants and a tee shirt.  That he's turned on by my love of the Lakers.  This poor man was ridiculed by all of his friends for standing in line with me at midnight for every single Twilight opening nights. 

Remember this movie? Oh how I adore Bettie Midler, my fav gal!
At the end of the day I am blessed with an amazing love.  We have worked so incredibly hard to be at the point we are in our relationship and we could not have gotten there without both of us working hard every day.  Marriage is not a 50/50 job, it's a 100/100 commitment!  Thanks Chris for always being by biggest supporter, my loudest cheerleader, and the best thing that has ever happened to me!  Thank you for loving me. 

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