Sunday, November 4, 2012

Mackey Cheesey

Today I am thankful for box macaroni and cheese.  No, it's not pretty, it's not even edible as far as I am concerned.  It is easy!  After two weeks of sick kids I am so incredibly thankful for the fact that I did not think about dinner, I grabbed it, made it, and best of all they ate it.  I ate a sandwich but at the end of the day, I am happy with the fact that my children had second helpings, and there was no fighting at the dinner table, and i didn't even have to think about it. 

As a mom who normally spends 45 minuets- 1 1/2 hrs every night on dinner, the option for a boxed alternative is greatly appreciated!  It's not one that I use often, less than once a month but it sure felt good. 

What's in your bag of mommy tricks?  What do you do to get a lazy day every now and again?  

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