Monday, November 5, 2012

Best Invention EVER...

Today I am extremely thankful for the invention that is............

Sometimes I feel like my wold revolves entirely around laundry.  With a family my size, and the mysterious missing maid (oh that's right, that's me too!) I am continuously under a mountain of endless laundry!  I have absolutely NO tips to help in this adventure.  I'm sorry, I have racked my brain for 10 years on how to conquer this challenge.  I got nothing.  If you have one child you have far less laundry than me and your priorites are differant. 

 I do have a few tricks in my arsenal if you happen to have an abnormally large family like myself.  I am, however yet to prove if I am hindering or  hurting myself.  I do not match socks, I do NOT have time for that!  Omit bedroom laundry baskets, they will be ban of your existence, lets face it they don't take it out until it's about 3X the size of the basket.  Make them sort out whites, darks, and colors if they are able to.

When all else fails, get the kids in on the action!  It's never to early to teach them good housekeeping skills, (boys too!). 
At the end of the day I am grateful for the invention of the washing machine and the dryer.  You keep me sane, and my life remains on track for most of the day. 

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