Saturday, December 15, 2012

Don't leave your car running.....EVER

Go ahead, say it!  I give you permission!  Okay, lets say it together....."Pennie is a flaming idiot!  Being naive is not an excuse for stupidity!" 

So, this might be a little harsh.  I have made some bad decisions in my life, but this one MUST take the cake!  Tip of the top!  I think I should start at the beginning. 

I live in a very nice community.  We are in a suburb of Portland, so we have great access to all things Portland and urban with a touch of weirdness.  I drive to the office every morning, leaving my home just before 5am, stopping to get a coffee at the local 7-11.  The family that owns and runs the one on my block is very kind and is always asking about my kids.  This morning was like any other, I left my car running ran into the store bought my coffee, shared a quick laugh with the cashier like usual.  Walked out of the store to get into my car, and it was GONE!  MY CAR HAD BEEN STOLEN!

I am such a naive imbecile that the thought "Oh no, someone accidentally drove off with my car." ran through my head for about a second.  I called the cops and the nightmare began from there.  My iPhone was inside of my car, luckily the police officer had an iPhone as well and we tried tracking the thieves that way.  It was fruitless, because they turned off the location services as soon as they realized it was there.   The only thing that I had with me was one debit card.  They had EVERYTHING, my purse, credit cards, cash, Christmas gifts, car seats, everything that you would normally have in your car!  Everything was gone in one quick second. 

I have spent the entire day trying to get my life back, all because someone stole.  Stole from me, stole from my children.  I am feeling so angry, so frustrated, so disappointed, so MUCH of everything!  I am emotionally exhausted.  Quite literally, I have no idea who does this to people. 

Why am I telling you all this?  Because I needed an outlet to vent my anger and frustration.  I am a mother who has to be perfect all the time, never showing fear, I always have to stay strong.  This is my moment of weakness.  I needed to get this out, so I can let it go.

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