Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy Haunkkah

Happy Hanukkah!  Today is officially the last day of Hanukkah, and we have truly enjoyed ourselves!  We did things a little different this year, mostly for financial reasons (see my post below about leaving your car running) but I'm glad we switched things up.  Instead of gifting to each child every night, we set up family gifts. 


One night they got a new XBox game (daddy picked it out because I suck at those), another night they got a new movie, a couple nights of board games, Family swim night at our local indoor pool, Barns and Noble gift cards, and the last night TONIGHT was the big one!  We finally told them that the second weekend in January we are taking them to Great Wolf Lodge up in Washington for the night! The point of this was to show them how much it means to have family time.  Chris and I are making a point to our children, of how incredibly lucky they are to constantly be surrounded by people who love them. 

At times having such a large family is exhausting, and annoying to say the least. But when you are feeling down, and really low there is always someone there to pick you up and remind you of all the things that you do wonderfully! We have an amazing built in support system that a lot of families these days are missing. 

Usually I don't make new years resolutions, however this year I just may have to put a little more emphasis on family time.  As they get older it does get harder, but I am determined not to let important time pass us by. 

Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, HAPPY EVERYTHING!!!!

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