Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ang the Amazing!!!

Today my poor lil girl is home sick suffering from a horrible stomach bug. My poor lil' lady has been up with an upset stomach for a couple of days.  So I called my boss bright and early (4am early!) to let her know I would not be in the office this morning.  Being woken up from a sound sleep, at that hour, by someone telling you that they will not be in to do their job is not the most pleasant experience. 

My boss, who I am lucky enough to call a close friend, is never cross or annoyed with me.  In fact my boss is such a wonderful that she hoped my little girl would feel better soon and topped it off by wishing me luck for the day.  All that at 4am!  That's pretty awesome!

Even more super amazing is I know when I return to the office tomorrow, she will, in true " Ang Fashion" check in to see how my lil' lady is feeling. This is not something that is taught to her, this is who she is, she is my friend and she cares about me.  I am grateful for the few true friends that I have managed to find in the world. 

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