Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Family Movie Night!

Today is Wednesday, and that usually means Movie night for the B-crew! I created this tradition with the beginning of school this year.  Wednesdays are called "Hump Days" for a reason, they are hard to get through, and by the time the kids come home, its apparent that we have reached the half way mark. 

If last years homework routine taught me anything, it was that we need incentive on Wednesdays.  Movie Night acts as the perfect incentive to get your work done quickly and correctly so we can get this party started!  We eat dinner a little bit earlier, because we set up blankets in the front room and have a buffet style dinner.  I find that this small break in routine especially on a school night has saved us house of meltdowns and tantrums, or what have you. Plus it gives me an hour to sit down with my kids and watch a movie that we should all enjoy as a family and because Mom picks the movie there's never arguments!

Last week was Halloween, so we celebrated on Tuesday to accommodate for trick or treating, we decided to build movie night around Halloween.  I showed Shrek's Swamp Tales, and served Mummy dogs, Mouse Brains, and Witches Fingers as they sipped on Zombie juice (which I don't have a picture of sorry). 

This week we watched Mirror Mirror with Julia Roberts, it was a cute movie, but the cuddelz are the best! 

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