Friday, November 2, 2012


Today I am thankful for Noah. My littlest boy, is the sweetest guy I know!  He is so kind, and loving, with the biggest heart!  From the moment I laid eyes on his face I knew he was my soul mate. I love all my children, however Noah and I have a special bond.  He and I are so incredibly connected that I can feel when he is sick. 


Noah is the most affectionate child I have seen.  I nicknamed him Monkey because when he was a baby he would wrap his arms and legs around my entire body.  When it came time for me to return to work after delivery I was unable to and had to quit my job to stay home with him. Noah was so attached to me, he would scream until I returned. It lasted about a week before I put in my notice. 

Noah is in first grade this year, and he could not be more proud to have reached "full time student status".  He is one of the big boys now, but lucky for me he has remained my Monkey man. He runs upstairs when he comes home from school and cannot wait to share his day with me. Noah's excitement for school and homework make me so proud!

Recently I was in the kitchen, and Noah called me into the dining room.  There I found him sitting at the dining table, with the girls' play food and utensils.  Noah had set himself Shabbat dinner!  I will admit that I have quite a few Proud Jewish Mom moments thanks to Noah, and this was a prime example!

Thank you Noah, for being who YOU are.  Thank you for loving everyone with everyone that you have. Thank you for being awesome, amazing, and inspiring!  Thank you for choosing me to be your mom!


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