Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanks for....

I started on the path to Thankfulness on November 1st to document all of the things that I am thankful for, and alas Somewhere during week 3 I could not go on.  Honestly, I think November was against me from the start and it's not even over yet!  I swear, it must have all started on Halloween, it was the very first year I would ever brave the crazy night alone (and by alone I mean Chris would be working).  I enlisted my mother in law to round up the kids, even though she can only watch 1-2 at a time, an extra set of eyes is ALWAYS needed.  On my way there, I was in an accident. Nothing major, and everyone was fine.  I didn't even hit anyone!  Some cars slammed on their breaks, and I just didn't in time.  I ended up hitting the guard rail, and no other cars were involved.  I should have recognized the warning signs.  STOP!  APPROACH NOVEMBER WITH CAUTION!!! 

When I was younger I believed in signs and premonitions of the future.  Maybe I would still if my children would stop screaming long enough for me to pay attention.  Well I didn't approach with caution, and we are all paying for it now.  Do you ever feel like one of those plate spinners?

Yes, just as dramatic as this!
I do have a fear that everything will come tumbling down on me at any moment.  And of course, you know who's left to clean it up.  Mom! 
I'm trying to avoid that, and after consideration have decided to take the rest of the month off. I'm going to enjoy my family during the breaks of my juggling act. 
Enjoy your November!

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