Monday, November 12, 2012

Hi, my name is Ruby!

"Good Morning, this is Pennie.  How may I help you?"  This is a line that I repeat several times over the course of my day as I speak from Attorney's in New York, Real Estate Agents in Connecticut, or perhaps a marketing director in London.  You see I have this amazing place that I go to every day, called work.  No, you don't understand.  I actually enjoy being there. 

Today I am incredibly thankful for Ruby Receptionist for giving me the opportunity to let my freak flag fly and thinking I'm awesome for just being me.  I'll quote a client here, when I say "Ruby, is like having a cupcake on your phone!"  This is a compliment that has stuck with me every day for over a year, and I still quote it when I gush about my amazing company.  Recently were were rated the #1 small company to work for in the nation by Forbes magazine.  Now, that is pretty impressive when you think about the fact that most of the receptionists (myself included) are complied of quirky, artsy, down home, sweet ladies.  Whether we're the 19 year old knitting fanatic, or the gardening grandmother of 3.  We are diverse because we are not judgemental.  Do you like helping people?  Are you kind spoken and patient?  When your boss called in sick from work, did you write them a "get well soon card" with a package of hand tissues?  If so.....girl you're a RUBY!  Now you just have to live in Portland (we aren't national or home based)

I am so thankful that I found Ruby, and that they saw all of those qualities in me.  I am lucky enough to have found some of my newest and closest friends since relocating to a new city.  I have never had the luxury of walking into the room and feeling completely matter what.  I am blessed to have such supportive women surrounding me every second of my work week. 

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