Thursday, November 1, 2012


Today marks November 1st!  Last year on Facebook, there was this big deal made about showing you are thankful for the entire month. I decided to alter this a bit, and post here on my blog as opposed to my Facebook status.  They may not always be perfect, and they may not always make sense to you, but they are what I am thankful for regardless.

 Today (and all days) I am thankful for JackLynn.  This week we had school conferences, and some of my concerns about JackLynn's education were confirmed from her teacher and we do have some area for concern.  Initially I was worried, scared, embarrassed with myself, and lost. I blamed myself for her struggles, I wished I would have done more.  Maybe if I hadn't pushed myself to go back to work then we wouldn't be in this place.  If I had more time to devote one on one time then this may have come easier to her.  I could go over different reasons but the fact of the matter is, no one is to blame. There is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about.  All children struggle with school at one point or another, maybe she needs more one on one time, and that's OK. 


I am thankful for JackLynn's smile, for her kind heart and willingness to love. I am grateful that she is always there with soft words and open arms.  She is the first to hug you if you are sad or upset and usually the last also.  Yes it's true, she may struggle with letter and number names, but I have no doubt that she will find those pieces of information and be better prepared in the future.  This child is resilient beyond belief and I know she will bounce back from this stronger than ever. I am so incredibly lucky to have her as my daughter, and she is by far the best "extra" I have ever received!

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